Blueberry Problem HELP! My Plant is Dying :(

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by nyhalgrimson, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. nyhalgrimson

    nyhalgrimson Member

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    New York
    Blueberries help - my blueberries continue to struggle with an unknown disease or problem: many leaves and side branches turn brown then shrivel and die. When I cut off the dead part, about a week or so later the end of the newly cut branch begins to die and creeps towards the center of the plant. If the dead part passes a section of blueberries, the fruit begin to shrivel and look severely dehydrated, more like tiny raisins. I live in New York. They get plenty of water, good half-day sun (am), and fertilizer for acid loving plants.
    Please help me solve the mistery, and give me some advice to help it. Many thanks.
  2. nataliastan

    nataliastan Member

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    Toronto, Canada
    Could it be possible that you are applying too much fertilizer? maybe stop the fertilizer for a while and see if it helps.
    I also know blueberries need plenty of moisture, but overwatering can also be a problem. At work, I notice overwatered plants also turn black, crispy and eventually lose limbs or die! good luck! keep us posted!

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