Fungus and Lichen Resources on the Web and in Print

Resources for identification, appreciation and propagation of fungi, lichens and slime molds

  1. Frog
    Web sites with information related to Fungi, Lichens and Slime Molds; see below for Print resources.

    Welcome to the Resources area for Fungi, Lichens and Slime Molds. Feel free to check out the links, and add your comments or submit your own link suggestions by clicking the button on the right and discussing them on the Fungi, Lichens and Slime Molds forum.

    1. Websites-PNW
    2. Websites-Global
    3. Mycological Societies-PNW
    4. Books&Print-PNW
    5. Books&Print-Global
    6. Myxomycetes - Slime Molds

    1. Websites - PNW

    Pacific Northwest Key Council
    Keys for all clades of macro fungi found in PNW excluding lichens.

    Thank you Ian Gibson & the PNW Key Council for this Key to Keys page Key to Pacific Northwest Keys to Mushrooms - this can be very useful, perhaps especially for those newer to identifying fungi: You can take a specimen from "this is a fungus/mushroom," and by following the key, narrow it down to a group or genus of fungi.

    Link location Pacific Northwest Key Council mycology keys for mushrooms
    Submittedby Frog; wcutler merged the Key to Keys with this entry
    Submitted date 29 Dec 2007; last confirmed 1 Nov 2015

    Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest
    Matchmaker : Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest is a free downloadable program or CD with three components.
    • detailed descriptions of about 4000 gilled and nongilled species from the Pacific Northwest
    • over 5700 illustrations of more than 2200 species
    • an entry form that allows you to enter characters of gilled and non-gilled species and work with a list of species that fit them.
    Mushrooms of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and British Columbia are presented. A simple entry form allows you to enter information about a mushroom (its characteristics), and get a list of the mushrooms that fit the information. Written descriptions of the matched mushrooms can be used to narrow the list further. This does not take the effort out of identification, which is always challenging and not always successful, but it does provide another useful tool.

    Link location MatchMaker Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest
    Submittedby Mycos, updated by wcutler, updated by @Frog
    Submitted date 21 Mar 2006; last confirmed 27 Dec 2021

    Ramaria in Western Oregon
    Keeping in mind that many Ramarias require microscopic characters for positive identification, here is an interesting visual resource for Ramaria of western Oregon.

    Link location
    Submittedby Frog
    Submitted date 21 Feb 2010; last confirmed 1 Nov 2015

    Lichens - sites recommended for information
    Sites recommended as best for Lichen information
    Northwest Lichenologists - Home
    Ways of Enlichenment
    Submittedby Richard Droker
    Submitted date 19 Nov 2015; last confirmed 22 Nov 2015

    Lichens - sites recommended for photos
    Sites recommended as best for Lichen photos
    Ways of Enlichenment - Lichens of North America
    Submittedby Richard Droker
    Submitted date 19 Nov 2015; last confirmed 22 Nov 2015

    Dereilas Guide - Lichens, Moss and Fungi
    Moss and lichen photographs, named mostly. Here is a link to a page of Fungi photographs: Fungi
    And Lichen photos: Lichen Images
    Link location NEW INSECTS
    Submitted by Kildale
    Submitted date 22 Mar 2006; last confirmed 1 Nov 2015

    2. Websites - Global

    Fungi of Ecuador
    An excellent resource with over 1,200 photos of distinct Ecuadorian fungi. Extensive, easy to use, searchable databases. Maintained by Thomas Læssøe & Jens H. Petersen, (University of Copenhagen & University of Aarhus, Denmark).
    Link location Fungi of Ecuador
    Submittedby lorax
    Submitted date 19 Nov 2010; last confirmed 1 Nov 2015

    Lichen Portal
    The Consortium of North America Lichen Herbaria. Contains, amongst other resources, online lichen keys, somewhat in the style of Ian Gibson's PNW Matchmaker for fungi.
    I have not sufficiently tested this to provide a review but so far it is an interesting and useful resource.
    Link location Consortium of North American Lichen Herbaria
    Submittedby Frog
    Submitted date 21 Nov 2012; last confirmed 1 Nov 2015

    Lichens - sites recommended for information
    Sites recommended as best for Lichen information
    The British Lichen Society | Promoting the Study, Enjoyment and Conservation of Lichens
    North American Lichen Checklist
    Recent Literature on Lichens
    CNALH Image Library
    LIAS light
    Submittedby Richard Droker
    Submitted date 19 Nov 2015; last confirmed 22 Nov 2015

    Lichens - sites recommended for photos
    Sites recommended as best for Lichen photos
    Lichens Home Page
    Index - Lichens
    Alan Silverside's images of British lichens (Index)
    Photo Gallery
    lichen genera
    Submittedby Richard Droker
    Submitted date 19 Nov 2015; last confirmed 22 Nov 2015

    Michael Wood's mushrooming website, focussing on fungi of California (ie includes many PNW fungi). Species pages have standardized species character breakdown for easier ID comparisons.
    Link location MykoWeb: Mushrooms, Fungi, Mycology
    Submittedby Frog
    Submitted date 02 Nov 2009; last confirmed 1 Nov 2015

    Taxonomy Changes
    Here is a website that details taxonomic changes since David Arora's Mushrooms Demystified book was published.
    Link location Arora Changes
    Submittedby MycoRob
    Submitted date 11 Dec 2006; last confirmed 1 Nov 2015

    Tom Volk's Fungi
    An excellent site by renowned mycologist Tom Volk, for researching fungi and looking up species, with excellent photos and interesting information.
    Link location Tom Volk's Fungi, including mushrooms, mushroom, mycology, molds, morels, fungus of the month, and much more.
    Submittedby Frog
    Submitted date 01 Nov 2009; last confirmed 22 June 2018

    Truffles BC

    Updated website of the BC Truffle Association, containing many interesting resources, articles, papers and photos.
    Link location BC Truffles
    Submittedby Frog
    Submitted date 11 June 2019; last confirmed 11 June 2019

    3. Mycological Societies - PNW

    Vancouver Mycological Society (VMS)
    Submitted by Frog
    Submitted date 27 Dec 2021; last confirmed 27 Dec 2021

    South Vancouver Island Mycological Society (SVIMS)
    SVIMS – South Vancouver Island Mycological Society
    Submitted by Frog
    Submitted date 27 Dec 2021; last confirmed 27 Dec 2021

    Northern BC Mycological Society (NBCMS
    Northern British Columbia Mycological Society
    Newly formed 2021
    Submitted by Frog
    Submitted date 27 Dec 2021; last confirmed 27 Dec 2021

    Puget Sound Mycological Society (PSMS)
    Puget Sound Mycological Society | The Largest Mushroom Society in the Pacific Northwest
    Submitted by Frog
    Submitted date 27 Dec 2021; last confirmed 27 Dec 2021

    4. Books & Print - PNW

    All That the Rain Promises and More...
    Hip pocket guide to western mushrooms, by David Arora, 1991, Ten Speed Press, 263pgs, ISBN 0-89815-388-3.
    200 species, full colour photographs, $17.95 US, $22.95 Cdn.
    A portable, useful, and very very entertaining guide to west coast mushrooms. Good, easy to read species descriptions, plus mushroom lore and stories.
    Submitted by Frog
    Submitted date 21 Oct 2013; last confirmed 1 Nov 2015

    Common Mushrooms of the Northwest
    by J. Duane Sept, Publisher: Sechelt, BC, 2006, 96 pp, Paperback, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, prices vary widely-maybe out of print but available; 155 colour photos. ISBN-10: 0973981903, ISBN-13/EAN: 9780973981902
    An excellent portable guide to some of the more commonly found mushrooms in our region, with beautiful photos. A good field guide choice for any beginner or intermediate B.C. mushroomer, and for all who appreciate beautiful PNW mushrooms.
    Submitted by Frog
    Submitted date 02 Nov 2009; last confirmed 1 Nov 2015

    Field Guide to North American Truffles: Hunting, Identifying, and Enjoying the World’s Most Prized Fungi
    by Matt Trappe, Frank Evans, and James Trappe. Published 2007, $17, Ten Speed Press, Berkeley. ISBN-13: 978-1580088626
    Submitted by Frog
    Submitted date 14 Mar 2008; last confirmed 1 Nov 2015

    Guide to Common Mushrooms of British Columbia
    No ISBN; reference code QK 617 .B3 1964. Authors Robert J. Bandoni and Adam F. Szczawinski. BC Prov. Museum Handbook #24. Roughly 150 colour photographs (in editions published 1976 or later), with a field key that works to genera. Description, habitat, season and edibility information.
    Submitted by Daniel Mosquin
    Submitted date 01 Mar 2006; last confirmed 1 Nov 2015

    Mushrooms Demystified
    Written by David Arora. ISBN 0-89815-169-4, also, a web page of errata and such: Taxonomic Corrections and Issues in Mushrooms Demystified Arora Changes
    Submitted by allelopath
    Submitted date 17 Mar 2006; last confirmed 1 Nov 2015

    Mushrooms of British Columbia
    by MacKinnon, Andy and Kem Luther, Royal BC Museum Handbook, September 2021, paperback, 504 pages.
    From the Royal BC Museum website: "A unique field guide brimming with detailed descriptions, vibrant photos and fascinating facts about British Columbia’s most common—and most distinctive—mushroom species."
    Submitted by Frog and wcutler
    Submitted date 18 Oct 2021; last confirmed 18 Oct 2021

    Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest

    by Stee Trudell and Joe Ammirati, Timber Press Field Guide, 2009. 351 pages, softcover., ISBN-13: 9780881929355. 500+ colour photographs, high quality, demonstrating important specimen characters.
    A great regional-focussed portable guide to fungi in the pacific northwest, with lovely colour photos. Fungal groupings are colour indexed, grouped morphologically and by spore colour groups. Species entries are scientific but also conversational, so this makes for an interesting read as well as mycological resource. Contains many species we often see in the PNW which are missed in other west coast guides, and is large enough to cover a range of fungal groups
    Submitted by Frog, updated by wcutler (combined two entries for same resource)
    Submitted date 04 Oct 2014; last confirmed 1 Nov 2015

    Mushrooms of Western Canada
    ISBN: 0919433472. Written by Helene M.E. Schalkwijk-Barendsen. Features @ 550 species of mushrooms in colour illustrations with accompanying text. Keys to mushroom families.
    Submitted by Daniel Mosquin
    Submitted date 01 Mar 2006; last confirmed 1 Nov 2015

    Ramaria of the Pacific Northwestern United States
    Ramaria of the Pacific Northwestern United States, 2007 by Exeter, Norvell, Cazares. 157pg with 190 photos, $27, email: Possibly available from
    Salem Publications Oregon/Washington BLM
    An invaluable text for anyone seriously attempting to identify Ramarias, a very challenging group.
    Submitted by Frog
    Submitted date 21 Feb 2010; last confirmed 1 Nov 2015

    5. Books & Print - Global

    A Little Illustrated Book of Common Mushrooms of Newfoundland and Labrador
    Voitk, A: A Little Illustrated Book of Common Mushrooms of Newfoundland and Labrador. THE FIRST BOOK TO DEAL WITH THE MUSHROOMS OF NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR - A FIELD GUIDE FOR MUSHROOMS ON THE ROCK! Published 2007 by The Gros Morne Cooperating Association, Pocket size paperback, 272 pages. Colour photographs, descriptions of over 300 species. Key to identify mushrooms to genus. ISBN 978-0-9699509-4-3
    Submitted by Frog
    Submitted date 31 Jan 2010; last confirmed 1 Nov 2015

    Mushrooms of Colorado and the Southern Rocky Mountains
    Written by Vera Stucky Evenson.Published by Westcliffe Publishers in cooperation with the Denver Botanic Gardens and the Denver Museum of Natural History. ISBN 1-56579-192-4
    Submitted by allelopath
    Submitted date 17 Mar 2006; last confirmed 1 Nov 2015

    Mushrooms and Macrofungi of Ohio and the Midwestern States
    by Landon H. Rhodes, Britt Bunyard, Walter E. Sturgeon and Sarah D. Ellis Williams, The Ohio State University Extension Bulletin 942, 2013
    163 pages; spiral bound. Available at Ohio State University EStore.
    Just published (when this resource was entered - wcutler)! A promising looking book with authors of good repute in the mycological world: I'm looking forward to seeing this!
    Submitted by Frog
    Submitted date 27 Mar 2013; last confirmed 1 Nov 2015

    Mushrooms and Other Fungi of the Midcontinental US

    2nd edition, Huffman, Tiffany, Knaphus, Healy, $39.95 pb, Mushrooms and Other Fungi of the Midcontinental United States | University of Iowa Press, 2008. ISBN-13: 978-1587296277
    300 color photos, 21 drawings
    I've not seen this book yet, but a few forum postings have asked for ID resources for this area of NA. If you read it, I would appreciate hearing an opinion on this book. -frog
    Submitted by Frog
    Submitted date 30 Jul 2008; last confirmed 1 Nov 2015

    Mushrooms of Northeast North America
    Mushrooms of Northeast North America: Midwest to New England, by George Barron, Lone Pine Field Guide, $29.95 CAD, 1999, 336pages, softbound. ISBN-13: 978-1551052014
    Submitted by Frog
    Submitted date 16 Sep 2009; last confirmed 1 Nov 2015

    National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms
    by Gary Lincoff, published by Alfred A. Knopf, Chanticleer Press, 1981, 1995, 81-80827, ISBN 0-394-51992-2, 928 pg, 762 colour photos, over 700 species.
    Unlike other mushroom field guides, this is arranged by colour and shape, which can be useful sometimes. Also, this contains species and members of entire groups often neglected by other field guides. Text and photos are separate, which can make look-ups a bit cumbersome. Photos are captioned with common names only, requiring reference to text entries to find scientific names.
    Submitted by Frog
    Submitted date 31 Jan 2010; last confirmed 1 Nov 2015

    6. Myxomycetes - Slime Molds

    "Stay tuned"