Walrus of Oz

Discussion in 'Conversations Forum' started by Walrus of Oz, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. Walrus of Oz

    Walrus of Oz Member

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    New South Wales, Australia
    I thought I'd introduce myself with some pictures of birds who are regular visitors to my garden in Sydney, Australia.
    The first pic is me at The Sydney Botanic Gardens with three soul mates.....
    The Second pic is my avatar, the Waratah - Telopea speciosissima which is also the floral emblem of the State of New South Wales.
    Third pic is a mother possum with her baby, who visit my garden at night.
    Fourth pic are Rainbow Lorikeets, Trichoglossus haematodus who are daily visitors and mainly feed on nectar
    Fifth pic is a Laughing Kookaburra - Dacelo novaeguineae, the world’s largest kingfisher which has the most distinctive and famous bird call in Australia. It resembles a howled, rounded, forced laughter.
    Sixth pic is a Long Billed Corella - Cacatua tenuirostris
    Seventh pic is a pair of Little Corellas - Cacatua sanguinea,
    Eighth pic is a Crested Pigeon - Ocyphaps lophotes
    Ninth pic is a Galah - Eolophus roseicapilla
    Last pic is an Acacia species or Wattle, the Floral Emblem of Australia.
    (All these bird pics were taken in my backyard)

    Regards to All

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  2. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    Thank you for these wonderful photos! Your back yard must be a veritable bird sanctuary. All your visitors are so LARGE and robust (am sure that our own Liz would tell us that this is because they eat everything in sight!)..and can rainbow lorikeets be real??? Those colors are gorgeous. Wow! How different from my own surroundings, and how beautiful to look upon. I hope that you will continue to send these to us!
  3. Walrus of Oz

    Walrus of Oz Member

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    New South Wales, Australia
    Thanks for your nice comments, Togata. The Rainbow lorikeets are common around the suburbs of Sydney, they seem to like the flowering plants in gardens and a lot of people (like me) encourage them by feeding them. The cockatooos can be destructive to plants and houses but I feed them and they leave most of my plants alone, except for an Illawarra Flame Tree which they amuse themselves with by ripping off its leaves.....but it has plenty left.

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