Need suggestion for a tree for my backyard

Discussion in 'Garden Design and Plant Suggestions' started by y2kmei, May 22, 2006.

  1. y2kmei

    y2kmei Member

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    San Francisco, CA

    Hope someone out there can give me some suggestions.

    I live in San Francisco, California and moved to a new place with a bare backyard 4 months ago. I would like to plant something that can be used as a natural screen that stop my rear yard neighbors from looking into my bedroom window.

    The problems I have are:

    1. There is no direct access to the rear yard and I can only go down from the fire escape. But I still want the place to look great.

    2. Because of 1, I am looking for a plant that not only grow fast but also must be evergreen with minimum leaves fall in the winter as cleaning may be a problem.

    3. I live in the foggy part of San Francisco.

    Any suggestions will help. Thank you again.
  2. terrestrial_man

    terrestrial_man Active Member 10 Years

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    California, USA
    Have you found something for your yard yet?
    I am not too sure this will work but I am on the Park Seed Co. mailing list and in their latest catalog is Thuja Green Giant.
    It says that once established this tree will grow up to 3 feet a year to a height of some 50 ft. Its width will range from 8 ft to 10ft wide. It says it grows best in sun but will tolerate light shade.
    Has foliage from the ground up, in a pyramidal shape and is an evergreen. You might be able to find it on their website. Best part is that you do not have to train it by trimming!
  3. y2kmei

    y2kmei Member

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    San Francisco, CA
    Terrential Man:

    Thanks for your suggestion.

    I have not found a tree yet. Friend of mine suggested Australian Brush Cherry, pineapple guava, or Camphor. I have not decided which one to plant. Will consider the one you recommended.


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