Identification: Late season, dark pink buds open to double white flowers, short stems

Discussion in 'Ornamental Cherries' started by wcutler, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Right across the steps from the 'Shogetsu' on 1st Ave at Creekside Park, posted in Fairview, is another tree I've managed to miss all this time, probably because so much of it is avium, and in front of it is an all-avium tree, though it's not clear what it started as. I've named this 'Ito-kukuri', but would like confirmation, and besides, I have some trouble with this ID. We have that listed as mid-season, and this one still has some buds when all our late-season cherries have opened. Anne Eng reported the Killarney tree with open flowers on March 26. She said it was in bloom, but it was really mostly in bud, so maybe this isn't so far behind that. Kuitert (Japanese Flowering Cherries) gives maximum flower size at 4.5cm; the flower I measured is around 5cm.

    Other than that, the dark colouring of the buds, with some of the pink remaining when the flowers open, and the mostly non-existent peduncles, seem consistent with this ID.

    Here is the setting, first photo from the steps, with 'Shogetsu' on the right, this tree on the left; second photo from 1st; the signpost is just south of the planting. This is just around the corner from the fisherman's wharf and Go Fish restaurant.
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