20200122 - Victoria - Fungi Talk - Jan 22 2020

Discussion in 'Archived Events' started by Frog, Jan 2, 2020.

  1. Frog

    Frog Generous Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    B.C., Canada
    Cool Plants and Their Fungal Friends
    a talk by Andy MacKinnon
    January 22, 2020
    at Esquimalt United Church
    Hosted by the View Royal Garden Club

    Talk: Springtime Plant Ephemerals
    with Andy MacKinnon
    Plants are fascinating. Fungi are fascinating. But for sheer entertainment value, it’s difficult to beat plants plus fungi. Fungi have been associated with plants since plants first colonized the land, and are requisite partners of almost all of our familiar Pacific Northwest plants.

    bio - Andy MacKinnon (MSc, DSc) whose graduate research was in mycology, is the co-author of six guidebooks to BC plants. Through his 30-year career with the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources, Andy was involved in defining and implementing ecosystem-based management in Haida Gwaii and the Great Bear Rainforest. He has co-taught rainforest ecology field courses in Bamfield (for UVic) and Haida Gwaii (for UBC). He’s an Adjunct Professor at Simon Fraser University, and a Professional Forester and Professional Biologist in BC. Andy was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Science degree by Simon Fraser University in 2013. Since 2014, he's been a councilor in the district of Metchosin.

    Hosted by the View Royal Garden Club
    Wednesday, Jan. 22
    MEETING at 7:30pm SPEAKER 8:00-9:00 pm

    WHERE: Esquimalt United Church, 500 Admirals Rd
    (Wheeley Hall is along Lyall Street)
    COST: Members: FREE (Individuals: $15/yr; Families: $20/yr.)
    Non-Members: drop-in $5

    Along with a friend, you are welcome to bring
    – Loonies/toonies for treats and tea at the refreshment break
    – Box to carry home lots of plants & seeds available at the sales table
    – Travel mug or coffee mug for refreshments
    – Potted and labeled plants or items of interest for the sales table

    6:45-7:30 – Visitors are welcome - DROP IN $5 –
    enter the GARDEN MINI-SHOW
    find great bargains - PLANT SALES TABLE
    7:30-7:45 - MEETING- Discussion of upcoming garden visits, workshops & other ideas.
    7:45 -8:00 – REFRESHMENT BREAK – BYO mug
    8:00-9:00 - SPEAKER PRESENTATION (includes questions)
    9:00 - 50/50 DRAW

    info: https://viewroyalgardenclub.wordpress.com
    Margot likes this.
  2. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    Bah, I miss it by a couple days. Jealous of those who get to go!

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