Is my Japanese Maple dying???? Help!

Discussion in 'Maples' started by shelli, Jul 16, 2006.

  1. shelli

    shelli Active Member

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    Connecticut, USA
    Hi all. I purchased a Bloodgood Japanese maple at the end of April. It's about 6 feet tall and did quite well until about a week ago when the leaves started to curl up and dry out. As of today, ALL leaves are drying up!!! My father planted one of these trees in this same location about 50 years ago and it thrived, growing huge... well over the roof of our house. It's a southern exposure, but I didn't think this was a problem considering the success of the previous tree. The old tree slowly began to die about 7 years ago and this spring it had no leaves at all so we cut it down and bought a new one.

    I don't know what is going wrong. We are in Connecticut and had an extremely wet spring... 8.5 inches of rain in May and 10.5 in June and very little sun. Now that July is here it's been dry (only an inch of rain so far) and bright and sunny and in the 80s to near 90. Is the tree just in shock from the change of conditions???? When the rain stopped I began watering it, but it's not helping. The leaves keep dying.

    My other concern is that I'm worried that maybe the 50-year-old tree had a disease that may have spread to the new tree. I don't know... I'm certainly no expert. Just hoping someone can give me advice and let me know if there is any hope for this young tree.

    Also, should I keep watering it?????
  2. STi

    STi Active Member

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    hmm i'm a newbie but it sounds like 2much maples see sun till 12:30 and still get some sun burn...or your well water is too hard...i would move it to some shade
  3. Gomero

    Gomero Well-Known Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Southwest France
    There are many reasons why the leaves of your tree behave as you describe. Most of them are not deadly so the chances are that it will survive. Sun is not an issue at your latitude with Bloodgood. If your soil is heavy clay, make sure there is no waterlogging; otherwise water moderately (a little bit often) if needed, do not fertilize, and wait.

  4. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    It may be the change in conditions. Any new tree needs a couple of years to adapt to the new conditions. If this maple was growing under shade cloth at the nursery, it may be having trouble with the sun your getting now. Or you may be over watering.

    In the end it should be OK in this location. It's unlikely that any disease from the other tree (in my view, though some will not agree) is attacking it, especially so suddenly.

    Wait and see. In a couple of weeks it should start putting buds, and you'll get a second flush of leaves eventually if the problem is not too serious.

  5. shelli

    shelli Active Member

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    Connecticut, USA
    Thanks for all the advice (and encouragment). I'll be patient and try not to worry.

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