araucaria araucana - best placement in my scenario

Discussion in 'Araucariaceae' started by ladis66, Mar 15, 2022.

  1. ladis66

    ladis66 New Member

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    Czech Republic - Central Europe
    Hello, I purchased my first araucaria araucanas. I bought them online, both are 3 yrs old. I would like to ask about where do I place them in my conditions:

    Unfortunately my country (central europe) is still quite cold in evenings 5C to -4C and 5C to 14 C during the day . Which i guess is too cold for such small/young tree ? So my options until april (when it stop freezing at nights) are:

    1. I can keep them in living room under 15w Sensi Grow light. Room temperature is arround 20-24C . Its where they are now.

    2. Other option is to keep them in hallway, but that would be a bit of hassle with cables to get there Grow light. Temperature is arround 15-17C

    3.) keep them in outside greenhouse, but its missing two glass tables ( so I am not sure about temperature).

    What would be the best option ?

    I would also like to ask: both trees have little yelow on top edges. Does it mean its growing or dry/overwater ? And also bottom "leaves" are bit curling why is that ? (Sorry for my English)

    thank you

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  2. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    I would keep them cooler, 5 to 10°C at night (just protect them from frost), with 10 to not more than 15°C in the day, at this time of year; and in bright light. So the outside greenhouse would be best. Then later in the spring, plant them outdoors in their final positions. The yellowing on the top edges is most likely related to poor rooting conditions in those very small pots.
  3. Sulev

    Sulev Contributor

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    Put 'em into your greenhouse, as long as lows drop below zero or until daily highs in the greenhouse won't rise above 25°C.
    Place buckets with water nearby, to level rapid temperature curves.
    Replace missing glasses, these empty holes in the hull undermine the purpose of a greenhouse and increasing the chance, that wind breaks yet another glass panel...

    Your indoors air is probably too dry and too warm, I'm afraid. Dark is there anyways.
  4. ladis66

    ladis66 New Member

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    Czech Republic - Central Europe
    Thanks for your answers. I will move them to the greenhouse. So you think I should also repot them ? Araucaria is 16cm and pot is 11x10cm. Thank you
  5. Sulev

    Sulev Contributor

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    Yes, better up pot them ASAP, as currently they are in a small presale container, that is not meant for prolonged use. Don't bareroot them. Transplant with the whole root ball. Untangle roots, if circling at the bottom of the container.

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