Ok great thanks, I'll stay patient and look out for new growth leading into spring. Fingers crossed!
I have it in a really bright spot with a heat mat under the pot to maintain the temp. Would you reccomend feeding with plant food yet? I notice...
I've just scraped a little back and found nice bright green under the bark. Is it recommended to remove the crispy leaves ? The plant will just...
Hmmmmm I am really at a lose end the leaves are all dry and crispy now and despite watering and letting roots suck the water up I'm not sure what...
Ok, will do thanks again :)
The leaves that dried are still crispy and dry the main larger leaves are still waxy but drooping down, there has been no further loss of leaves....
Hello happy new year :) the plant seems to be ok in the darker room with the heat mat and thoroughly watered with drainage holes. I'm not sure...
Hello, I have re-potted now and moved into a more shady environment away from direct sunlight and drafts and have placed a heat mat under the pot...
Hi Again, I been out and bought special citrus plant soil which is a premix with drainage and nutrients specially formulated / slightly acidic...
At the moment I've watered it very thoroughly the leaves are still drooping at the top and smaller lower leaves are curled and crispy - will these...
Thanks so much I'll try out your suggestion and post again in a few weeks for an update, your advice is very much appreciated. :) :)
Hi junglekeeper, thanks for replying. I did loosen the root ball when re-potting, taking care not to pack/compress the soil I was quite...
Hello, I have recently acquired my Dads old Lemon plant that he potted from a seed (its probably about 15 years old roughly). As it had...