Yew St./ 42th to 47th. Plum?
Vine Street/ 49th to 51th
Balsam/ 49th to 51th. blooming
Larch/west 43th. They are going to blooming soon.
ELM/at about west 47th Ave. Maybe plum.
Update on Marine/50th
Locate at Balsam between 41st and 42nd. These could be cherry or plum I can not tell. But, they are quite spectacular when they were blooming each...
Cherry at Marine between 49th and Marine Dr Some of has bloom and some will bloom in few days or week
Vine/45th, Vine/43th-Kerrisdale I can not be sure how long it could be till they bloom. Some from Vine-Balsam/43th are blooming.
kerrisdale-Yew/44th to Westblvd/44th It seems will bloom soon.
Re: Kerrisdale Accolades Some are bloosm, and some are still in bud. [Yew/KCC, Yew/44th~47]