well thank you very much Michael, I'll try that. !!
Hello friends, I have a problem with my money tree and I was wondering if someone could give me some advise. First , for the last month, it's...
well well... very interesting i keep myselg a jug of water too now so i'll see how it goes thanks again !!!!!!!
Wow thank you for this detailed anwser ! I'm glad it's normal... i was afraid because it lost a lot of leaves, there is no more at the bottom......
yes of course there you go..... but today i replanted it in a bigger pot, and i bought tropical plant mix, it has sand in it and some fertilizer...
Hello, i don't know what to do anymore about my pachira... i got it for my birthday in may, then it was losing a lot of leaves but poeple told me...
okay thanks :)
Re: When a trunk dies....? oh okay i'll remove it, thanks.... so you're saying that i should remove the dead trunk ? i guess it can rot and...
thank you very much for your reply, i keep the soil moist but not wet and i mist once a week now.... and yes by the way i got it 3 weeks ago so...
what is zone 7 ?? hehe
Hello, is it normal that my money tree looks like this ?? It lost a lot of leaves so it looks kind of naked compared to other pictures i've seen.
When a trunk dies....? Hello , I received a money tree for my birthday and it has a dead trunk like you can see on the picture.... should i...