Thanks cowboy, I will let her know that its time to plant now.
Hi Michael F, Thanks for your reply. After you giving me what you think are names for my three houseplants, I 'Googled' those names, #1 (Ficus...
I have these three indoor plants, can anyone let me know what they are called?.
My friend has a small garden and a small bed which needs lots of colour. she was thinking about this which was told Very fragrant, fully double,...
Thanks edleigh7, for the good news, i'll tell her, she will be pleased, hope they flower soon.
Hi, A friend of mine has a Cacti which is called Conophytum, and wonders if it flowers at all. as had it given to her but was told it does flower.
Hi joclyn, I do have Electrical sockets nearby. I could as you said plug a lamp into it and have it pointed at the plant.
Hi Bluewing, thanks for the reply, I'm looking for something (if poss) which flower, I have just a single window which lets in a limited amount of...
Hi, i was just wondering if anyone knows of a large tall plant i can put in my sitting room in a corner to fill a blank space.