Hi, how r u all, this is cucumber plant & 6 weeks old. is this bush variety or vine variety?. waiting for your replies, thaking u in...
Thank You
Hi, How R U All! I live in Multan, Punjab, Pakistan. Can i sow Cucumber, Melon(musk melon or cantaloupe) & Watermelon seeds in June:?: Here the...
Hi, my melon & cucumber plants are growing very slowly in these days. Look at the Leaves. Small leaves of melon plants. wilting leaves of cucumber...
Hello, I do not know what is the exact & main reason behind this. Look at the stem, roots & leaves. That seedling was growing very slowly &...
Hi, I do not know what kind of Cucumber, Melon & Watermelon plants these are. Kindly tell me the name/variety of these plants. Waiting for your...
Hi, I am growing watermelon for the first time. I planted non-hybrid seeds. now the Seedlings are 3 weeks old. I have noticed that a few leaves...