Thanks, I have noticed sword ferns and Oregon grape growing in very shady places on my property. I think I will move some to the slope
I have a steep hillside on which I planted spreading junipers. Then neighboring trees grew tall enough to make half the hillside deep shade. The...
I just noticed these leaves on my Chilean fire tree. Is this just winter damage or should I be concerned?
Thanks for the ideas - we have a severe bunny infestation in our neighborhood. I have also seen lots of squirrels and a few rats. Because of the...
Several of my neighbors junipers are turning brown. These are planted on a steep bank and are essential for erosion control. We live in Seattle....
Thank you - I'll prune off the affected branches right away The tips of my cedar seem to be dying. I live in Seattle and this started earlier this summer. Does...
A branch of my monkey puzzle tree is turning yellow. I am used to inner branches turning brown and falling off but this is something different....
[IMG]While pruning my roses today, I found this on one of the bushes. It looks like dried mud. What is this and is it harmful to my roses