I would cut back anything that may have been sprayed and water the heck out of it!
I have a Philadelphus. I think it was a "snowball" or something like that. It has a double flower. I planted it years ago on the southwest corner...
I will now take this off the forum.
OK everyone, any plant that actually flowers is not a fern...it may be something else, but it is not a fern...There are many plants refered to as...
Once again, most people do not understand all the botanical nomenclature and I was being nice enough to make sure that anyone accessing this info...
Obviously this question was asked some time ago. I recently was trying to look up info for my daughter's Tilandsia and found these troublsome...
this is an asparagus fern not an air fern. Air Plants do not grow, air ferns do, asparagus plants need conditions any other fern needs; moist well...
This is refering to an air fern not an air plant which is what he has!
I believe we have Tilandsia or "airplant" is not supposed to be watered often but "air ferns" are decorations and do not need water (once living...