cotoneaster lucidus Hardy to zone 2
Are you watering it well? Birches love water. You could also remove some foliage to compensate for the severed roots
Carpathians should be hardy enough. Butternuts are even hardier.
Carpathian walnuts are usually hardy to zone 4, even zone 3. Butternuts are hardy to zone 3.
Yep, get an outdoor dog and your troubles will go away. It's worked well on my 10 acres as well as the deer no longer come around.
I had a italian plum that grew to a fairly large tree over 6 or 7 years, but never flowered. I thought it was a dud, until last year when it was...
Just be patient. I have an Italian plum that finally produced fruit last year after many years of no flowers and fruit. The branches were near...
Forget peaches and cherries. I recommend a columnar apple such as golden sentinal which do not have scab issues.
Have you restricted its roots? Figs bear better if their roots are contained.
I don't believe there is anything considered deer proof. If a deer gets hungry enough it will eat any plant. However, as long as it has better...
What are you saying? Is your lawn growing moss, or it is mostly peat moss as soil? If it is growing moss instead of grass it is too acidic and...
Get all male plants...
The primary ingredient in weed b gone is 2-4-d (also an ingredient in agent orange). It is a contact broadleaf herbicide and will have no effect...
Your gardener did everything right. I nwouldn't use landscape fabric either as it prevents the natural decay of the woodchips (which feeds the...
The best book on gardening that I've read is "Gardening when it counts" by Steve Solomon. He lived on the west coast before moving to Tasmania,...