Thank you so much for your expertise. This gives me a good starting place.
Thanks very much! I'm very happy for your help!
It is a cow pasture/sometimes-rotated-crop field next to my house. When I took the picture, the field had lain fallow. It was full of weeds and...
I believe the leaves were around one inch to one-and-one-half inch long. I'm leaning toward 1 and 1/2 inch long, but it has been several years...
I've been trying to identify this plant with upright leaves on a single stalk. They make an unforgettable rustling noise when you walk through a...
Does anyone know what kind of grass or sedge this is? It grows in a field by my house.
Ron B., Thank you for your expertise. I am glad to know that it is an Asian pear tree.
Michael F, Thank you. Thanks for your expertise! I think I'll get rid of this tree and replace it with something better.
What you have suggested (perhaps Tall Elephantsfoot) is the closest thing that comes to it that I have seen. Unless it is maybe one other species...
Thank you very much. I am so happy for your help. I just need to wait to observe the fruit and flowers and then I can follow your advice in...
It looks like you may have hit on it! Thanks for your help. I will check this out and write back if I think it's a match.
If anyone can identify this holly for me, I would be thankful. I have four different hollies in my yard and this one is the only one I haven't...