I need help with my bannana yucca seeds, I have about 10 seeds and I am wondering how they sprout? Two of the seeds look like they have mold on...
They cost around 30.00 with shipping from Hawaii, Mine grew very fast when I got it was only about a foot in height and now it is about 6 to 7...
I had a similiar probelm with my Washingtonia robusta where the frond seems to stop halfway. But because of the hot Spring we had so far the new...
Jaceyca, For my Palms I use Dr Q's Palm food about 4 times a year, I am not sure what kind of palm you have I think it is either a Majesty or a...
Good one Barrie, But no it came just as a cocount with a little sprout coming out and it says you can plant it in water or soil, I put it in soil....
I agree With Barrie They do look very healthy, What I do for my Palms is put a stake in the ground to keep the heavyness of the top to colapse...
I noticed that about two or three of the seeds started to bulge on the middle or so of the seed I am thinking that it is starting a root system,...
They are all beautiful Palms and I would love to go to Maui to see them, but the third pic looks like a royal palm or possiblely a christmas tree...
The best thing to do is buy one already sprouted off of ebay. I tried the grocery coconut thing and got no results they spray the cocount with an...
It could be under watering them or not fertilizing them properly. I am new with chinese windmill palms I just started growing some myself, but...
I am wondering Did you have strong winds or strong rain last night or How close to the road are the 3 trees? Someone could of hit them. Can you...
Beautiful Garden Palmera, How long does it take for a Dracaenia spike plant to grow that big? What kind of palm do you have growing by the rocks...
I am growing it in Sand, Soil, and a lot of pertile mixture. I put sand on the top to keep the bugs out of the soil. But thank you for the input...
I agree with Ed, Also check the trunk or trunks there is a micro insect that appears like white powder I just used cotton swabs and alcohol and...