IMG_7318.jpeg 7 Gallon Japanese Princess from Spruce & Maple. Next year it will be a lot more colorful.
Those small 1 gallon Mikawa’s are going to very picky for the first year. In all likely hood it came from a greenhouse which is goldy locks...
This seedling has been leafed out for more than 8 weeks now. All my Mikawa types got a very early start this year. I have two more seedlings still...
My Mikawa seedling is showing exceptional colors this spring. Here are some photos I took of it this evening. IMG_6631.jpeg IMG_6633.jpeg...
True about the Mikawa seedling thing. But I would not be shocked about it. The Mikawa craze is in full swing and stronger than ever. People are...
Question is grafted or grown from seed. Because grown from seed will show color variations dissimilar to the parent plant. My Mikawa grown from...
OG no matter what context it is used in stands for Original. As in the original Mikawa Yatsabusa with no variation. I definantly agree that pH...
The spring alone is worth having them I get a couple months of colors like this. IMG_6189.jpeg IMG_6186.jpeg
My OG is chartreuse through and through. But I love this old girl. Here is a photo of my OG Mikawa and another of the varient Mikawa Kaen, both...
I posted a picture of summer growth in my first response to you, but here it is again. Leaves become bleached on the tips with pinks and reds...
This is Mystic Mikawa in August, way past the spring push. IMG_5544.jpeg
There are some differences of course, but Chappel Hill NC is zone 8a, and I am in 8b. So there not a huge difference in growing conditions. Other...
Just from photo observation you have a lot of trees big trees in the background of the photo. I can see all the trunks and I see not a spec of...