Thanks AddyPalmer. I will watch out for it
Thanks Ron. What would be a cultivar you would recommend? I live in North Vancouver and my patio is protected enough that my thyme, oregano and...
Was afraid of that. Thanks Ron....
Thanks Kara
Thank you so much...Parsley just popped its head up today :-)
I have had this rosemary for a couple of years now. It was fine over the winter one year though it may have gotten too much rain and the leaves...
Thanks Kara. The seeds are fresh. Should I cover the seeds again? Does parsley need dark to germinate?
Hello So, I am new at vegetable gardening and have had one not so successful year growing tomatoes. So, this year I plan to do this right. I...
Hi all So, I started a bunch of seeds indoors on a heat mat and had great success with basil, tarragon, Chives and at least 5 different...
Hi There Has anyone attempted to grow San Marzano's from seed in Vancouver? When did you start the seeds and where? Indoor or outdoor? How long...
Thanks Liz and Barb. Will try next summer...