Last year (2015) I had a very poor crop on all my various types of apples. This year I have a huge set of apples, and am having to thin very...
Why does my bush not drop its leaves then? I read that this can happen dependent on the site and zone. I have had it for many yeas, and there is...
I want to plant a Rose of Sharon, and to be sure it will stay evergreen. The site is in zone 9, and I already have a mature Rose of Sharon...
Can anyone recommend the best feed to keep a hibiscus flowering. An indoors tropical that has 75 degrees in summer and 70 degrees in winter, and...
I have a tree that has many branches covered with lichen. Should this be removed, and if so what is the best method? .
Thank you. So what is the best product to eradicate those scale insects on the bottom leaves of camellia that lead to sooty mold?
I have been tryying to find a supplier of neem oil to eradicate this. Does anyone know who stocks this? I Live in South Delta.
I have now found he answer thank you. It is a shrub rose called"Bonita"
I know it is rare. That is why I have asked if anyone knows where one can be found. What would be a good alternative that can be acquired though?...
Yes I may have confused the colour. Where can one find a Dr Skinner? It was covered with such lovely flowers which repeated so well.
I used to have a superb white shrub rose called Dr Skinner. Is that still available anywhere? If not then can anyone recommend a white shrub rose...