what ever you do, do not cut off any yellowing pieces until they have dried and shriveled, if you were to cut it off now, there is a good chance...
hi, i recieved this large amaryllis bulb from a friend in early october, it had 2 smaller bulblets attached, i divided them and repotted them all....
1st one - goats rue Tephrosia viriginiana 3rdone- lady's thumb smartweed
1st one- butterfly weed 2nd-little bluestem 3rd-aster 4th-new england aster ???
when dormant, cut back only last years growth, but if it has buds in an area, just dont cut it off
bearded, and the ground is frozen here
hi, i had forgotten that i had some iris' to plant and unfortunatly, it is now too late, can i wait til spring???
hello, i have a large pot of the miniature green tradescantia and the tips of the trailing parts are turning brown, does anyone know of a cure??
yes hydrangea
in the winter go under and remove the nest, dont worry, they arent in the nest during winter....... this is good so they wont come back to the...
very hard to tell.. maybe show a pic of the leaf or an actual real picture of the tree