Re: Abies lasiocarpa Arizonica Glauca (Compacta) So why do you think it is bad...
Re: Abies lasiocarpa Arizonica Glauca (Compacta) What's wrong w/ Pine Bark mulch on top?
It will grow-don't worry. MayB U want 2 give it some friends 2 play w/:)
Here R 2 more I found 2 show the point further. The key is 2 maintain the color echos and the plants chosen do the job wonderfully. BTW, R your...
Honest ? Honest answer-EVERYTHING!!! Here R some other pics 2 prove it. The Kamagata is beautiful in & of itself Bcause of the smallness and...
Re: Abies koreana Goldener Traum Dieses Bild gibt ein besseres Panorama von die Garten. Die Goldener Traum ist links von die Picea Pungens...
Thanks guys. This is a more detailed pic taken mid Oct. The plant is supposed 2 stay yellow thru the Winter, but where I live we can have all 4...
Re: Abies lasiocarpa Arizonica Glauca (Compacta) Thanks, it likes the Morning Sun on the East side as well as the 7" of new snow we just got. I...
My Kamagata is 2 years old from when I purchased it. The graft is low but the understock is thriving also. I staked the main branch later the...
This is a nice shrub. How old is it? Looks like mine, only mine is much more yellow @ this time of year. I am in Zone 6a. Do U do anything...
Abies lasiocarpa Arizonica Glauca (Compacta) Planted this tree and the Wichita Blue Juniper on May 19. Any suggestions on fertilization in the...
The reverse angle shows the graft better. Any comments or ?s
Abies koreana Goldener Traum Dass ist meine neue Goldener Traum. Im forgrund ist Picea Pungens Glauca Globosa. Was denken Sie?!