I have a problem with my peanut plants, new to growing these and the greenery is being eaten by some white bugs, they are kinda dusty on the...
Can anyone tell me what I can plant near my sweet potatoes to stop the dreaded weevil please? Am trying to take preventitive measures before I...
Thanks Dude, what would I do without you! It is certainly making my life that little bit easier. Every day a new challenge, a new bug, a new...
Further advice needed please, as you may or may not know I am a novice to 'tropical' gardening, but did manage it fairly well in chilly UK!...
Many thanks that sounds like a good idea, I will certainly give it a try. I will go out later and put a trellice up. But I wonder will that still...
Well I've been here nearly 10 months now and am getting to grips with some crops and not others! I am managing to grow some things really well,...
Also does anyone know if I can grow a Ylang Ylang tree here?
Needs some further help please with Palms. I have a very windy spot in my garden that gets the full force of the wind off the sea, the tradewinds...
Will do my best to keep everyone posted, but only have a small bit of garden so far, the rest is still a building site! Gradually getting more...
Thank you very much for all that useful info. Will make a start with the tomatoes and lettuces first as they should be fairly fail safe, and have...
How to grow anything in St. Lucia Hi everyone, I have just moved to St. Lucia from the UK and want to start growing my own produce. I am not a...