Nice image!
yep. explains why it was not coming up before....
Unlike you, I still fail! Blocked in the US?
None of these. Sigh.
Tried several search engines to gain entry — all failed and said entry to the site “forbidden” ...MiGhT be them... Cannot tell without getting a...
JLHudson is a consideration as a US source. But the ONE had more of everything — options, variety, etc... and yes, Junglekeeper, I tried searching...
Sorry. Already looked through that list.....not my ONE. (Went 10-deep on several variants of search terms....)
I am certain these are wonderful sites, but alas, these are not the ones that I had ordered from. The site was too major to have gone defunct,...
Any one recall the name of a major seed supplier in Europe? I ordered from them years ago and cannot come up with a link... They have 1000's of...
Lagenaria siceraria - yep.
You can use it to host Western Tiger Swallowtail, Papilio rutulus. Plant something to attract the adult to let them know it is there!
Syringa reticulata looks like the right call.
Salvia uliginosa?
looks like a very special place. thanks for posting.