You aren't even supposed to start the Brussels Sprouts until mid to late May! They are supposed to be transplanted more like late July - early...
It's $100 for delivery because they are located in Ontario.
My peas are starting to germinate, and my Radishes I sowed around the first weekend of February are germinating and rooting also. I will plant...
Depends how many you want to buy. There is this website: The only problem with them, is last time...
Anyone sowing Peas outside tomorrow? Is no one afraid it will get too cold?
The Pumpkins didn't even germinate outside last year. My Squash and Cucumbers did, but I planted them way too late.
My last frost date is somewhere between April 11 and April 20. Depends on where I'm reading it. West Coast seeds says not to start this stuff...
When do you start your Squash, Pumpkins, Cucumbers, etc. inside? I probably won't do it until around the first week of May. Not sure if some start...
Are we really able to sow Onion seeds in April and have them germinate? I had some Onion seedlings started last year in January or February,...
Vancouver's last Frost date is in 8 weeks. So you should start to get better and better selection of plants very soon. There are flower plants at...
I think your problem might be that there is a dog underneath it!
soccerdad, do you plant things that are supposed to be planted in February in January? For example, West Coast Seeds says to start Leeks early...
This is my first year planting a vegetable garden @Portmoodygirl. I use West Coast seeds for some things, but they are also more expensive than...