Peat pots strike again. I am having an ongoing problem with the peat pots. They are great for germinating and taking care of the seedlings. But...
Thanks for the link but the spectrum stuff is a bit over my head. I know enough to know that aquarium lights just don't cut it. I think I may lose...
I figured that was the problem. The stringy ones were raised indoors for several weeks with 4 ft aquarium lights. Not enough brightness for sure....
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] These are all Teloxys aristata. The stringy ones are the same age as the really bushy ones except they were...
I have one of those inexpensive soil moisture meters that also tests PH. I really have no idea about the accuracy but it does give me an idea as...
The link says they prefer sandy loam soil. That would explain my strongest plants which are planted in old potting soil mixed with a lot of sand....
Thank you for the information.
This plant supposedly is native to the Gobi desert and northern climates of Europe. It is sold dried as a model tree for diorama's, model...