Thanks to all for your thoughts. Obviously I'm going to have to visit this spot next year and try to find these again. I'm learning that some...
Good eye work, Carla! Lots of nice stuff to see. Thanks for sharing. Happy Holidays!
Thanks. One other note, if of any help, is that this was an Autumn shot.
Yes and kind of. There is a water source nearby, but probably at least a hundred feet away and downhill from the site. Also, lots of pines and...
Wondering if anyone can give me a push in the right direction. I've had this image as an LBM for a while now and don't really have an idea. I...
We did have a fair amount when these shots were taken. I was there the other day and everything's pretty withered. All of the Lactarius are long...
Thanks MycoRob. Well, I certainly will try a cut next time I find one. Hopefully they will bloom again next year. Thanks C. Wick. I'm glad...
Going with MycoRob's idea, I think number three/four is Gymnopus aka Collybia acervatus. I'm still at a loss for number two though. There were...
I am thinking it is a Mycena, and possibly viscosa although it is growing on a log and not the ground. Any ideas on this would be greatly...
Thanks, C.Wick. I'll try to visit it when I can, but it's in a pretty difficult location once the weather gets bad. Plus it will soon be under...
Thanks, C.Wick. I think you are right about the Ascocoryne sarcoides. Maybe I should get myself a microscope. :-) And, yes it has helped as I...
A couple of nice groupings, I'm not totally sure of what is here. Thanks for any ideas. I am thinking the first image has Morganella...