Hi I live in Richmond B.C and I just bought a japanese purple sweet potato.... its a big vine, I cant find out how I should grow it? I tried the...
Can I put the straw down now or wait for warmer weather?
Hi I bought some ghost peppers plants and am wondering how to take care of them in B.C. I have a small pvc greenhouse on my patio and a...
thanks aisya!
Aisya What do you mean pegging them down? also I dont think my community garden will like it if I set my straw on fire .... lol
Hi I have strawberries in a raised bed and Im wondering if Straw will help keep the strawberries off the ground or should I use wood chips?...
Hi Vitog thanks for your replying back to me! so if I put them in my garden they will not hurt the soil surrounding my carrots and potatoes that...
Hi Im a beginner gardener and I ordered some passion altari hybrid radishes from the kitizawa seed company because I wanted to impress my...