Monkey Puzzle Trees grow in Nelson BC (zone 7a) and Kelowna is in the same zone . I would expect they would grow there with proper siting . Here...
Why don't you cut off the lower branches flush with the main trunk and selectively trim some upper branches and turn it into a bonsai. It would...
The first one is a variegated form of Serissa foetida (Tree of a thousand stars or Snowrose).
ficus microcarpa
Willow Leaf Ficus Bonsai Tree (Ficus Neriifolia). There a lot of information on its care, just google it.
Do you have red leaved Norway Maple (Acer platanoides) ? Or a Red Maple (Acer rubrum) ?
Euphorbia myrsinites
Why don't you undercut the tree this season to prepare for transplantion next year ? Leaving the tree in its current site this year will make for...
Its a FUKIEN TEA (Carmona microphylla) .
Prunus x cistena (Purple Leaf Sandcherry) maybe ?
1.0 Is Portulacaria afra . Ulmus parvifolia 'Seiju' Seiju Chinese elm
Hibiscus moscheutos
Some kind of Hibiscus .