I think the name of his street was coachman circle or drive it been a few years
by the time i move they will be acclimated what part of Mississauga you live my was living just of Winston Churhill near the 407......
i read this from a site i forget wich one the person name is Will Creed he claims to be an expert on jades in any case i did remove the infected...
thanks very much for all your tips i did make a mix that seems to drain well so i will see how it does in the next couple of weeks hope the sun...
Reno depot had no coarse sand but did have what they call 1/4" gravel made up of small rocks no bigger then 1/4" all little pebbles how much of...
the lighting is not a problem i have them under flouresent plant lights in a west facing window at this time of the year they get about 3 hours...
if i can get pea gravel is that good? and how much do i use?
ok thanks very much for the info i will go get some builders sand........
well i did it because it was staying wet to long i used cactus mix with lots of per-lite and small gravel i put it in a Terra cotta pot the same...
Thanks to all the responses still a bit confused though some say cactus mix some say no sand some say sand the only thing everyone seems to agree...
Thanks very much for your insight and will use the link to better my soil for my jades that are still living.
i am really confused on the matter of Jade soil, can someone please explain to me what the absolute best soil for Jades is i know they rot very...
I just purchased a new Jade stands a bout 2' high stem is about 1" dia its in a 12" plastic pot ( 11"deep) and its in beautiful shape should i...