Hi Castor. I used to grow Acer shirasawanum 'Sonia Marie', but lost my stock plant years ago. Would you happen to still have this plant, and...
Hey Mike, I have a little one and I may graft a few this winter. It kinda reminds me of the 'Ao kanzashi' and 'Hiryu'' group, but my little plant...
Winterhaven, Thanks for the update. I don't know this cultivar, but I am always appreciative when someone gives an honest opinion when a plant...
Hi Gomero, Do you have Acer negundo 'Winter Lightening'? It has incredible yellow bark color. I'll try and photo mine this week and post. Brian
Sorry, I can't offer seeds to you. I can tell you that they are a bit of a pain to grow from seed. The lack of available stones, slow or...
Quick followup, the photo on my reply I believe was taken later in the summer, once the leaves had darkened up. As I recall, the variegation was...
Re: acer palmatum 'Mikazuki' I received a few scions of this one last winter and I must say I was extremely pleased with the appearance of the...
This changes from year to year, but here are my new 3 favorites: 1. A.p. 'Hana matoi' - absolutely amazing pink and red variegated color...
Mike, Per our conversations, I'll send you a few seeds from my 'Orion'. It only put on a few this year, but I can send you a couple. If they...
Howdy Friends, I have a small graft or two of Acer shirasawanum 'Sonya Marie' and I have a question. My plants all look very similar to...
oops, I meant 1 out of 6 of the Squitty's showed variegation.
Greetings everyone, I've seen some nice variegation on certain varieties, and lackluster on others this year. My 'Squitty's were very shy in...
My understanding is that 'Shirazz' is in fact patented, not trademarked. If that is the case, it really doesn't matter who had the chicken or the...
I only have a few very young 'Geisha Gone Wild' and one large 'Shirazz' and, based on my limited observations of the GGW, I agree with Mike that...