Thanks D, I did wash the fungus spot with water thoroughly, multiple times -- until there was no white stuff left. And you are right; it was...
@Acerholic @Ron B @Arlette the pictures in this message, are from the second tree which had significant amount of white stuff in its soil. there...
@Acerholic @Ron B @Arlette on a more related note to the topic of this thread: So far I have found 2 trees, which inside their pots, there...
oh and this one was "Double-potted" ! basically, the main pot broke so i put it (temporarily!) in a second pot, whih also cotained some soil in...
Hello All!! I am back with repotting my cedra trees! I missed the september dedaline, so here I go at the beginingn of spring! I hope my timing...
You are all absolutely right; The trees are so overdue for re-potting. I have managed them for 4 years now by adding fresh potting soil to the...
Is it possible that the ants come to get food from the soil, and if so why do they crawl up and down the tree trunk and branches?
3rd set of pictures attached to this message belong to a 3rd tree - Healthy and in great condition as seen in the pictures - which I believe ants...
The set of pictures attached to this message, belong to a tree which has been recently and sort of still invaded by ants. you can see fresh green...
Many Thanks to both of you for your great responses. I will attach some pictures here to show the condition of the trees. I could not find any...
Hi there, I have 16 cedar trees in planters on my open patio. this is the 4th year I am having them, and they have been doing good in general....