Thanks, Andrea. I just asked to join the Facebook group. Thanks for the links, Daniel.
I have a fairly large Styrax obassia which has an infestation of Granulate Ambrosia Beetle. The leaves on the lower branches started to wilt...
Thanks for weighing in, Maplesmagpie!
Thanks very much, JT. When would be the best time to move it, in your opinion? Jane
Acer palmatum 'Tsukushigata' placement Thanks, bub72ck! I do know that it can take a couple years for a tree to show its true colors. That was...
I bought an Acer palmatum 'Tsukushigata in late October of 2014. It was a brilliant orange-red and impossible to resist. After doing some reading,...
Thanks for sharing this, JT! It's great to have photos of entire tree.
Thanks very much for your reply. How tall is yours? And has it kept its upright shape?
Last summer I bought an unlabeled Japanese maple at Rarefind Nursery. It was a very healthy specimen at a great price. Between watching it leaf...
When checking out my maple collection once the snow had melted, I discovered that the trunk of my Acer palmatum "Sekimori" has a small split where...