I purchased 2 maples from them last year, great trees but the price are also up there on the medium to large Japanese maples. I would recommend...
I have started to shape the largest 2 on the right since last yr. Purchased the 2 on the left this spring and gave it a trim. They are from...
Some nice bigger Iseli trees from my local garden center. Looks even better in person and can't resist not to take a picture. Rhode Island...
That is a very nice orange dream, it is on the top of my list. How tall is yours in the picture? .
here are 2 of my Komachi Hime, leaves just started to open up.
For those who has patience, it would be a great bargain. I agree with Amazingmaples and feel the same way. I rather have 1 great good looking...
Here is my Rhode Island inside my Garage. I will give it a trim in the fall when get a better view at the branches. In the picture, the...
I have my eye on a Rhode Island Red at my local nursery, if I get it, I will post some pics.
thanks guys, I can't find any of the ones you guys listed in Ontario Do you know where I can order from with in Canada?
Anyone know which is good choice for a green leaf version that grows like a red Sentinel I need something narrow and upright. I am...
any update? I love this tree
I would love to see the branching structure when the leaves are gone. How come at the base, is so much thicker, is that the graft point? I can't...