when I transplanted I went outside and mixed the earth with 1/4 of sand but maybe its not enough
makes sense .... thank u :)
again wondering if overwatering or too dry ..these are my aloes and bottom leaves starting to curl inwards ?
can someone tell me if my Elephant ears plant is too dry or overwatered or ? dont know why leaves are turning yellow [IMG]
anybody ?? :(
its too funny you asked the same question as me and happens you have to same type of aloe....Gasteria [ATTACH]
can someone tell me whats going on..? am i overwatering ..? not watering enough?? I did transplant in bigger pot last fall and used cactus earth...
Nobody knows what this is??
I have this aloe but don't know what kind of aloe..leaves are really hard and stiff ... I should really repot... I m assuming these are all babies...
Your first one is a Yucca ... 2nd one ? your 3rd is a Aloe arborescens which I'm very jealous of and If I'm not mistaken they take years to...