Thank you very much. Perhaps it's age is the reason for it having no cones at this stage. I do know it's a lovely looking tree and is such a fast...
I'm fairly certain this tree has never had seed pods or cones. I will however, take a good look later on...but I don't recall ever seeing any....
"'Elegans Aurea' has fantastic light green foliage that at sometimes appears chartreuse. A wonderfuly upright Japaneses Cedar that grows very...
To my eyes, they both look the same (I'm clearly an amateur here). If you could let me know the difference (and how I would look for this on my...
Many thanks! I knew that the last bastion of knowledge spurts would be the internet forums...they never let you down (they confuse you, spend...
Hi all, Rubberwendy here. I have an evergreen tree in my garden I purchased from Norfolk, UK around 5 years ago. It started around 4 foot...