any one want some Tree of "Heaven" starts?
plain old a. circi. that we wild crafted[rescued?] about 10 yrs ago. Photo taken last week. 10-28-08
could one of these be close? <>
we have pinkish, w/dark throat and some half peony, unfortunatly mixed, to trade for other colours. really would like "danish flag"[frilly...
I think leaf drop is why f. benjamina are called "weeping figs". You might try using this product. it seems to help w/ stress related, repot etc....
It looks like a saxifrage of some sort so you might look in that directioin for i.d.
It looks a little full. I usually remove the large leaves that grow out of the fork and off of the primary branches. best to nip instead of...
cut top off, re-root the top in damp potting soil and re plant. the severed top of trunk should produce 3-4 new tops. replace soil with new. give...