The babana hand such as it is in a paper bag with an apple. I plan to check the Tangerine tree tomorrow. I was suprised the green ones I did pick...
Hurricane/tropical storm IDA solved my problem with my babana tree. It toppled it. I cut the unripe fruit off and have it is a borwn paper bag,...
My tangerine tree is loaded. Some of the branches are touching the ground and damaging the fruit there. I picked some and wonder is there a way to...
This is only the secong time my plants have produced. I am loathe to interfere and fear I will lose the small hand I do have. BUT if itis possible...
I no doubt am using an incorrect name. One of my banana trees has a small hand of fruit at the beginning of the fruit stalk. I was told to cut...
I have been told to cut the VaChig bulb from a blooming tree and plant it. I was told a new tree would evolve. Should I?