Thanks, Chris I believe that you are right. Happy fourth.
I just started a thread on Botany with Kids at There are photos of a leaf...
Greetings- And a happy 4th to all! We have a beautiful wildflower we'd like help identifying- see photo. It appears to be a Sneezeweed, based on...
Thank you, Daniel for your tip and link. I think I will try my own drip system using bottle, as I had not much luck with commercial ones....
Hi, I live in NYC, and I have plants that I have in small greenhouse. Lots of cats in the area. I have strawberry plants, snowpeas, lobelias,...
Thanks Chris! I have purchased seeds for this. Roger
Greetings, I am appealing to all those with botanical knowledge, and/or those with chlorophyll in their veins: I found this lovely wildflower...