Unfortunately, all my attempts at saving my Lime Tree failed. :(
I read they like being pot bound so my plan is to leave it in it's current pot, but put that pot in a larger one and fill that with stone to hold...
Neither of us have. It came with the house and the owner mentioned something about it being almost dead and her saving it, so it may be a few...
Sure goes by alot of different names. The wife still wants it to go, but it will be around for a while!!!
Epiphyllum oxypetalum?
I posted them over here. Scroll up when you get there.
Are you sure? None of the ones I found on the web are near as large.
It does make babies like crazy Thanks for the information
She says they are horrible ugly, but I think they are exotic. Any idea what they are? Is this a Kalanchoe daigremontiana or a Bryophyllum...
Thank you. I will be posting some pictures of some other exotic plants I inherited when I bought our house.
Thanks, I will look into that. I was thinking maybe they weren't getting polinated.
What causes my Lime tree to start developing fruit and then just fall off? They get no bigger than a raisin, smaller actually, then just fall off....
I have been reading some of the threads in here and think I have been given some bad advice. I was told to put my potted Lime tree in a small hole...