Yes, I'm still trying to understand the difference between Japanese species and Polygonum virginianum (Tovara section afaik - very complicated)....
This plant has been bought as Polygonum filiforme (Japanese Knotweed) and the name is probably right. My question is - are these spots typical of...
Center one - try Persicaria affine. R.
Looks similar to E.enopla. R.
Look, I grow Centaurea montana =Mountain Bluet (two cultivars - blue and white), Centaurea macrocephala, Centaurea dealbata, Centaurea cana and...
This very pretty perennial aster flowered in my garden starting in September and continued well into October. I'm in zone 6. There are two...
Achillea ptarmica? R.
Thanks for replying! I had no idea that there is no "official" registry for Carex cultivars, it would seem worthwhile, there are so many beautiful...
I wonder if anyone could enlighten me - variegated palm sedge(Carex muskingumensis) 'Oehme' and cultivars named 'Variegata' or 'Aureovariagata' -...
The problem is, distinguishing Adenophora from Campanula is easy, if the plant is still in flower (mine is not, but this spectacular ring at the...
Well, a friend of mine bought seeds and grew identical plant, seeds were of A.latifolia. And the plant died after flowering, same as in my garden....
I have found this growing and flowering rather nicely in my garden. About 90-100 cm tall, beautiful color, long flowering period. Appears to be...