Hello, I found this mint growing in a park in Madison Wisconsin and am having trouble with the ID. The leaves are slightly fragrant, my friend...
So MycoRob, what are your guesses?
#1 I tried to get a spore print, but none would come out, couldn't find anything like it in my field guide. Probably hopeless, but anyone know...
It was at the edge of a calcareous fen and mesic woodland in Reynolds co Missouri. The ground was muddy and water was slowly seeping out of the...
Do any Juncus have flowers that look like that? My first thought was a very small lily of some sort but I did I looked at photos of all the...
No one has any idea? Family? Anything would help.
Thanks for the help Rob. The last one is definitely Boletus curtisii The spore print looked pretty black, some people were telling me that...
Anybody know what genus or hopefully species this is? Thanks!
Hi everyone, For the past few years I have been spending most of my time out in the woods for both my jobs and freetime(probably spend around...
First one might be jack inthe pulpit? Second one, no idea. -Corey