It is a indead a All Azaleas are Rhododendrons, but not visa versa. There are indead orange flowered...
another idea or possibly a haworthia... though I could not find an exact match on google image search there were some close ones.
Aegopodium podagraria For a good picture of the leaves of Aegopodium podagraria 'Variegatum', see......
Magnolia stellata Magnolia stellata Picture of leaves... Good decription and...
Arum... Arum, probably A. italicum... The seed stalks... ...the only thing is that the...
A thought... The leaves in the photo on the left looks like it could be a Rhododendron, but it is a little fuzzy (the picture not the leaves).
A picture link I found a close up picture of "Nico Plectranthus" leaves at the following website:
Another idea??? Looks a little like a Crassula falcata... found a picture at It may...
Just a wild guess Except for the discription of the leaves coming right off the stem it sounds a bit like a hibiscus, see attached photo. There...
I have had much better luck with apple seeds extracted from the core (I eat the core) placed in the open bed in my greenhouse. They take about 3...
I must graciously disagree...and put in my two cents. I would have made this suggestion for the top photo sooner, but I was under the impression...
Gymnocalycium The brightly colored scion is genus Gymnocalycium with it either G. horstii if it is yellow or G. mihanovichii if it is bright...
More thinking... It looks like there is the possiblity that it could be a Echinopsis or Lobavia instead... The thing that gets me is the...
And more... Some more (and some overlap of the last) that are drought tolerant in Texas, it may be too wet in BC? Aster bigelovii - Aster...
Drought tolerant annuals A few ideas for drought tolerent annuals, with a few "good" perennials thrown in for good luck. African daisy...