Last I looked he was in financial debt trouble I am surprised he is still up and running. Mine are from Caucus grown in goats milk but whether...
Just like to say a thank you to everyone that gave advice on my apple tree pollination problems. I had apple trees that I had bought (from my...
That is a long way ordering it from Australia from Dom. You should be able to find local people in Canada who sell kefir grains. I have been...
Okay thank you. I am not limited in space but thought that the staggered blooming of a combination tree might give me a better chance of...
Hi everyone, I am wondering what the consensus is for combination apple trees? Are they the way to go or are the old fashioned methods of fruit...
Thank you!
Okay can someone tell me if the September Ruby and Carroll overlap? I can get a Hardi Mac too. Or I can get a crab apple to go with the...
Thank you! Do both apple trees need to bloom at the same time for pollination to occur? I have the option of a Carroll tree for pollination....
I am wondering if someone could tell me which apple tree is most pollination compatible with "September Ruby". These are my other options right...