Hi there, like many others, it seems we had some damage done to our plants by the cold snap a few months back. Our sarcococca leaves have...
thanks all, I guess I'll wait and hope!
i thought this too - but it has been like this for at least a month and a half - is that normal?
I've had this black bamboo in the same spot (deep shade, near-ish a willow tree and laurel hedge!) for 5 years, and for the first 4 years, it did...
Transplanted this laurel a year and a half ago, and seemed to do ok, but noticed the growth this year is quite sickly / diseased. Possibly a root...
great, thanks!
Inherited a mature, 4' x 4' variegated red twig dogwood, just planted it today. It's a bit leggy at the moment, and I'm hoping to prune it....
Thanks so much, saw at the ready!
Hi all, I have two smoke bushes that I pruned into trees. They've become unwieldy (currently over 15' tall/wide at the top), and I'm looking to...