Cider is a great way to process apples, very easy to make, and can be made from a mixture of varieties. Freeze distillation makes applejack, which...
Thanks Steve, the eucalyptus does grow fast in Scotland, there are many trees here. It burns well, I will certainly put some varieties in to...
My Tilapia Fish Farm at Oldmills of Elgin uses bakers waste and brewers yeast as a food, I fancy putting in some greenery, and am looking at...
I am planting and harvesting willow as a biofuel in my heated Tilapia fish farm. It is easily planted, coppiced and grows quickly, but is there a...
Is anyone using the geothermal resources in BC for fish farming coupled with plant production? I am starting just such a trial in Scotland,...
The saffron crocus will naturally die after one year, to be replaced by the corms produced that year. If none come up at all it could be predation...
There is some hi tech anti condensation plastic film for polytunnels, maybe some google research would find some. A big problem is rot, algae,...
Banana leaves are used in Polynesian cooking, also as disposable plates. There is a move to make plates with leaves stuck together with starch as...