Although rooting cuttings of mulberries is also easy, it takes an additional year to produce a top-grafted weeper, for example. Seedlings seem so...
I've had excellent luck using both side veneer grafts as well as budding. Last summer, I was surprised at how well chip buds were dong on...
Thanks for the post, Michael. I was glad to see A. truncatum on the list of possible compatibles as I have some nice Shantung maples, or as they...
Having recently repatriated to the USA from East Asia, I bought a house with an apporximately 12-year old Norway maple which cannot be allowed to...
Try opening...
Hmmmm...good thinking! But I don't think so as the seeds that I saw were in mature pods. Let me see if I can come up with a picture of seeds....
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Amazing how our collective knowledge linked with this site makes identification possible. Please, could you...
I found this plant growing on Mount Vesuvius, both at the staging area before the ascent to the top of the crater and along the path to the peak....