Well, as some of you probably already know, I germinated Autumn Beauty sunflower seeds early this year. Well, some of them are already developing...
Wow. That's definately it. Thanks so much! Lakota
Joe, I looked up Cereus Repandus and I think it could be a possibility. Anybody have any other ideas? Thanks! Lakota
Hiya, A few months ago I went into our local Wal*mart and saw this poor little cactus with probably a teaspoon of soil in a tiny clay pot with...
Ah, I see. Thanks! - Lakota
Alright, thanks! Lakota
Great! Thanks! I just checked on my sunflowers and there's two heads that have dropped all of their petals and I can see seeds beginning to grow...
I was hoping to put the runners in pots. I live in the midwest, so I could probably just leave the pots outside in the winter? I read the...
No, I believe these are Euphorbia Acrurensis... but I could be wrong. I'll try to get some pictures. So I should just let the two arms collide...
Hi, I have three milk cacti along with a few other cacti in a large planter. The three milk cacti are fairly young, they're about 2 feet-2 and a...
Early this year I began germinating some sunflower seeds. The variety is Autumn Beauty. Well, most of them are probably about 6-7 feet tall. Most...