Hi there. It may have been my post you were looking at. I have a Royal Star Magnolia (18 years or so in age). The ripened seeds were soaked in...
Sorry...but mine are first year seedlings and so I've no idea how they will fare over the winter months. I've kept a number of them in pots and...
My seedlings are about a foot tall now. In the pots, I just used regular potting soil and added some peat moss mixed in. In the ground, I've...
Just some advice....remove the mulch from the base and cut down the stalks in the fall. If peonies have more than an inch of soil/mulch over the...
The best time to buy and plant is in the fall....not spring! Please tell your friend before she makes the mistake of buying early.
Hoping you don't remove your daffodil foliage too early.....that's what feeds the bulbs for the following year. You need to leave the foliage on...
Hello All (that being you ;-D )... I have a Magnolia Royal Star that's about 18 years old and magnificent. The problem is, I grabbed about 50...